
In-Charge Parenting

In-Charge ParentingIn-Charge Parenting bring cohesiveness back to the family, and puts the parents back in charge. It reminds them of effective but now politically incorrect practices including moderate spanking of toddlers. It lays the foundation of discipline. Raising children is not a sprint – it is a marathon.



Invasion Within

Invasion Within

Dr Maglio reveals, and busts, the 16 destructive myths of the modern relativist movement that is destroying the fabric of American life, including the myths that the vulgarity of popular culture is harmless and traditional values are out of date.



Essential Parenting

Essential Parenting

Through concrete step-by-step training in loving, obedience, respectfulness, critical thinking, independence, honesty, reality, pain tolerance, empathy, will power, toileting and creativity development adults are led out of the confusion of our present conflicted psychobabble that does not work and are led back to the lost art and knowledge of child rearing. Specific charts demonstrate the difference between Essential Parenting and Modern Confused Parents making a precise distinction between the two methods of child rearing.